Screenplay Characters This is a character from a screenplay I have not written but for which the story is known, albeit unresolved. I'll describe this character as he first appears in the screenplay. If the character develops during a story it seems to me to be useful to have snapshots of the person as they are at selected points. It can be a way to check your story does not include information the story itself does not know. This man is in his late sixties, a child of the end of the 1960s and all of the 1970s. He is not a fit man, truth is he is a self indulgent fellow and his body shows it. For most of his life he has run a string of moderately successful businesses, most of which he has sold off and moved to a new idea. Now, he owns a smal distribution company, buying goods from mostly Asian suppliers and selling them to resellers. The company consists of him and a woman who does all the administration but he tends to give the impression that it is bigger than that. Mos...